A Brief Update
Just a quick update on the status of the Flanagan blogs. I had the first blog almost complete for the 27th last week however upon reviewing was unhappy with it and the quality of my writing. I therefore scrapped the blog and started again with the hope it would be quick to redo. This has not been the case. The second draft is underway and much more organised and my style. However, it is going to take some time to piece together from the remnants of my first draft and I’m currently only about halfway through. As such and in order to keep a once a month update, expect the first blog on the 27th April and keeping the 27th as the date of each blog.
This is to firstly give me time to ensure that I have the first blog in a state I am happy about but also to give me time to work on the next blog after that. While I had everything planned out I had not written a complete blog yet, this is a lesson for me for the future to ensure I have at least my first two blogs complete before announcing a series.
Apologies all for this delay and inconvenience, but hopefully the resulting blog will be enjoyable and informative in a way the original would not have been.